Local Code of Corporate Governance

Jobs and Business Glasgow is committed to, and driven by the organisation’s Code of Corporate governance, to ensure effectiveness and appropriateness in each market in which we operate, and establish where and how the Company demonstrates continuing viability, best value and a meaningful contribution to the City Strategy and wider economy. The Code aims to ensure that we are providing appropriate services for the right people, in a timely, inclusive, honest, dignified and accountable manner. The Code comprises systems, processes, cultures and values by which we account to, engage with and support our customers. Activity carried out by all services within JBG contribute to one or more of the following themes and outcomes of the Council plan:

A Thriving Economy

  • A resilient, growing and diverse city economy where businesses thrive.
  • More Glaswegians are in work or training.

A Healthier City

  • Glasgow is healthier.
  • Citizens and communities are more self-reliant for their health and wellbeing.

Resilient and Empowered Neighbourhoods

  • Citizens can access good facilities, jobs and services locally.

A Well Governed City that Listens and Responds

  • We take account of equality issues and the impact of poverty in our decision making.

We have set out how we deliver on these themes in our Strategic Plan, annual Business Plan and annual report by the Board of Trustees.  To help ensure we deliver on these themes we have developed policies to assist our trustees and employees in delivering services. These policies constitute a Local Code of Corporate Governance and the Code is a statement of the policies and procedures through which we direct and control our functions.

We operate a well defined governance structure led by our Board of Trustees, and scrutiny committees. Trustees and employees have very clearly defined roles and must comply with their respective codes of conduct. We have processes defined which allow us to fulfil all our legal duties and to comply with any specific requirement of local Government.